Project Details


Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways

Mount Prospect, IL

The Busse Road Phase 1 evaluated potential improvements to Busse Road from Golf Road to Central Road, a length of approximately 1.25 miles in Mount Prospect, Illinois.  The existing roadway was undivided with one lane in each direction with shoulders. Onyx Architectural Services, Inc. performed a crash analysis based upon data provided by the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways for this section of Busse Road by categorizing given criteria including pavement conditions, weather conditions, accident types (i.e. rear-end collisions, head on collisions, and angle collisions.)  The data analyzed was used to determine why the accidents happened and how they could be corrected.

Crash data was evaluated to determine fatalities and severe injury crashes and then compared to statewide averages for the same types of injuries to determine if immediate action would be required to remedy the causes of fatality and severe injury collisions.  Onyx specifically provided the following services:

  • Identified Crash Patterns
  • Analyzed the Probable Causes of Crashes
  • Determined Probable Countermeasures
  • Wrote Analysis of Crash Data to be Included the Project Report

The final Project Report proposed improvements based upon crash analysis, geotechnical changes, stakeholder’s input, and an examination of the impacts that the proposed improvements would have on the community and environment.